Build a Thriving Passive Lifestyle Business Creating In-Demand High Engagement Books and Printables in Just A Few hours​

And Get Customers Lining Up To Buy Your Every Release.

​If You've Ever Struggled To Create Books & Printables, Or To Get them Popular For Sale, Keep Reading…

​​Hey it's Amber Jalink here.

You may not know me, but I've been marketing online full time since May of 1997 (Yep, more than 20 years now!). ​While you probably don't care about that, I'm simply stating it to show you I'm not a "here today / gone tomorrow" marketer.

​You're busy - and that's why this letter will be as short as possible. Please take a few minutes and read it, distraction free. I promise you won't regret it.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have a knack for publishing simple yet high-engagement books on Createspace, or having ​printable products ​on Etsy that sell like crazy?

​Some of them have even created reports on how you can do the same, but unfortunately, most of the time they leave the important stuff out.

Let's face it: you likely know about the popularity of ​"high engagement" books and products on Amazon, Etsy, and elsewhere. ​ If you've seen any products lately, several marketers have talked about creating these products for a while. 

​​But ​WAIT! ​What IS a "simple high-engagement book" or printable?​  They contain "some" content (and are simple to create), but are "high engagement" in that people USE these books and printables. They aren't just purchased to read - in most cases, people actually write in them, color in them, draw in them, and plan their life in them.

Examples of these are:




​Coloring (Adult OR Children)

​Activities (Puzzles etc)


​And more. But in case you aren't sure, take a look at some real life, current examples:​

This book has sold thousands, and it's only been out since June. *Average* estimations according to this tool.

​This book - even with a lower rank, still sells well over a hundred per month, and it was JUST released in October!

Disclaimer: Obviously I'm not saying how much money you could make with​ ​these high-engagement books, it's entirely up to you, and the effort you put into it. ​You could earn a lot, or nothing, but you certainly won't earn without trying. This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a true business - even a sideline business -  and any business requires effort.

​You already know the potential, and you thought about creating your own journals, planners etc., but found it a little difficult to put together. I know, I get it. ​Many members of our sites and journal template buyers have mentioned that they don't know what to put in a journal, or how to put one together from scratch.

Many use templates (like ones we create), which are fantastic time savers by the way, but sometimes it's the inside parts that confuse the creators.​

Let's be real here: so many of the guides and reports you find online give you a brief overview of what to do, but NO ONE goes into depth about it!

It's implied you can slap up anything and get sales... (That of course, is if you can figure your way into creating the product in the first place). And that's just not true.

​Of course we do have our journal creator software, which is awesome on its own, especially for someone who doesn't know how to get into the nitty-gritty formatting of Word, Publisher, or ​Lightroom.

And it IS a very useful tool. We have many members using it daily, creating their own journals and planners.

There are two ​slight problems with that tool (depending on desired use):
1) You have to use the formatting we created (not drag and drop entirely, it's more 'fill in the blanks')
2) There's no training on anything other than using the system itself.

Heck, even for people who do know how to use something like Word (which isn't difficult), too many are stumped on the final putting it together.

Disclaimer: Obviously I'm not saying how much money you could make with journals, it's entirely up to you, and the effort you put into it. ​You could earn a lot, or nothing, but you certainly won't earn without trying. This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a true business - even a sideline business -  and any business requires effort.

Perhaps you already know the potential, and you thought about creating your own journals, but found it a little difficult to put together. I know, I get it. (This is not what it is about....) but we have many members of CreateDash who have mentioned that they don't know what to put in a journal, or how to put one together.

Let's be real here: so many of the guides give you a brief overview of what to do, but NO ONE goes into depth about it!

It's implied you can slap up anything and get sales... (That of course, is if you can figure your way into creating the product in the first place).

Now - we do have our journal creator software, which is awesome on its own, especially for someone who doesn't know how to get into the nitty-gritty formatting of Word, Publisher, or InDesign.

And it IS a very useful tool. We have many members using it daily, creating their own journals and planners.

There are two issues with that tool:
1) You have to use the formatting we created (not drag and drop entirely, it's more 'fill in the blanks')
2) There's no training on anything other than using the system itself.

Even for people who do know how to use something like Word (which isn't difficult), too many are stumped on the final putting it together.

While there are many offers out there for templates and quick "how to's" for publishing your books on Amazon (or Etsy), there's very little out there that is complete. As in, fully rounded, from start to finish.

I've read many of them, and pretty much every one of the guides published miss out on SO many steps, or they skim over thinking that everyone already knows how to do the basics.

But that's not true.

While publishing low content books (journals, coloring books, kids books, coffee table books, planners etc) is not a difficult task in itself, what I've discovered is too many people are either:

​​Common questions include:

  • ​"What on earth do I put inside?"
  • ​"How do I format for printing?"
  • ​"What other pages are needed?"
  • ​"How do I create a compelling sales blurb for the product listings?"
  • ​"Even if I know how to publish my book, how do people find it without me paying a fortune for ads?"

​My point is, while there are many offers out there for templates and quick "how to's" for publishing your books on Amazon (or Etsy), there's very little out there that is complete. As in, fully rounded, from start to finish.

​I've read many of them, and pretty much every one of the guides published miss out on SO many steps, or they skim over thinking that everyone already knows how to do the basics.

But that's just not true.

​While publishing ​high-engagement books (journals, coloring books, etc) is NOT a difficult task in itself, what I've discovered is too many people are either:

  • Over-thinking their ideas
  • ​Have ideas but get stopped at implementation (this is many I've heard from)
  • ​Get to the point of publishing, but get zero sales
  • ​Scratching their heads totally confused at how to make it actually work

If ​You Want to Publish Simple High-Engagement, In-Demand Books and Printables That Customers Want to Buy,
That Only Take A Few Hours (at most) To Create​,
And you've All But Given Up... Here's hope!

​I've got good news for you:  I've completed a powerful course called, "Publishing Empires". ​

After having so many people ask me how to do this continually for the past year, if I have training on it and so on, (and after verifying with my survey last week), I would like to introduce you to Publishing Empires.

Publishing Empires ​​is a Simple, Easy To Follow ​Step-By-Step Course to Help You Go From Start To Finish, AND Get Publicity To Help You Launch Your Books Faster

It shows you step-by-step everything you need to know to create and publish these simple products that sell like hotcakes.

*But be assured - when I say "simple" - it doesn't lower their value in any way. I simply mean, simple to create.*

​Earlier this summer I ran a beta version, which was simply a very small group of people going through this, week by week so that they could publish.

But unlike other reports, courses or systems, I helped STOP the overwhelm.

​And it WORKED!  Take a look at Renee's ​success:

In a moment I'll go through how the whole course works, but first, let's go over ​​Your Success Path

You'll see this system is broken down into steps, to ensure your success.

Creative Opportunities.

You have the ideas and recognize you can make what you see on the market better. 

​You know there's lots of ways your ideas can realistically make you money, and you see the opportunity that lies within.


​While you have the ideas and you're ready to get started, your mind instantly creates roadblocks to make you think it's too complicated, too much work, or virtually impossible due to too much time involved. Even worse, you think the technology may be the one biggest issue, especially if you aren't "techy".

Yet you know you just need to find the way to get past this, without the hype, and with a simple step-by-step plan.


​​You're putting your ideas into easy layouts. 

​You recognize it's a lot easier than you thought, you just needed the design process and tools to keep it simple.


​​You've got your design and products all put together. 

​Now you're ready to publish, get your proofs, approve, and submit to the live stores such as at Amazon, Etsy and others.

​​​​​Promote & Attract

​​You recognize it's time to build your audience. You know you need to get followers and visitors, and you're developing your social media resources and presence. You're building your email lists and increasing qualified traffic.


​​You've built your followers up, now you know it's time to start warming them to your upcoming new releases. You recognize this will propel your books to the "most popular" lists faster, resulting in more sales and higher incomes. ​This boosts your long term incomes as you have fans on every new book you publish.

​Growth & Expansion

​​You're now earning from your sales and want to maximize your impact and profits by optimizing your results. ​

It's all about consistent growth. (And that includes, continuously creating new projects).

​Each stage you see above, has its own steps, which I've laid out for you.​

In short, you will be learning (or refreshing if you are already past some parts) - how to turn your ideas into final products, get them promoted, and get them earning.

This ultimately will help you get sales both in short bursts, but also long term on an ongoing basis.​

And every time you release a new book/project, you'll have people waiting to throw their money at you as soon as it goes live for sale.​

There's lots of reports on creating simple high-engagement books and printables. Some are good, some are completely useless.

What makes this course different is the step-by-step-nothing-left-out training to get you publishing quickly - but with quality.

Each stage you see above, has its own steps, which I've laid out for you.​

In short, you will be learning (or refreshing if you are already past some parts) - how to turn your ideas into final products, get them promoted, and get them earning.

This ultimately will help you get sales both in short bursts, but also long term on an ongoing basis.​

And every time you release a new book/project, you'll have people waiting to throw their money at you as soon as it goes live for sale.​

Here's how the training will work:

Each week, you will get video/training of each step and the ENTIRE process involved. These will be of course, posted in a private members area.

It will take approximately 1-2 hours of video time per week, plus of course whatever time you put in to do the homework. (Don't worry, each video will be between about 5-15 minutes, so you can go through it in bite size chunks).

There is a private Facebook group exclusively for this, where you can ask your questions and get answers.

Now, when I created this program in beta, we did it week by week. And you can definitely still do that, because it helps prevent overwhelm and time constraints.

Of course you don't have to worry if you fall slightly behind, life happens to all of us, and there's just some times when something sets you back. No worries, simply catch up as soon as  you can.

But what if you have time, and you just want to plow through it all, do the work at each stage, but keep moving forward to get publishing as quickly as possible? (After all, this IS the best time of year for it right?)

Well rather than force you to do it on a weekly basis, I've set the system to allow you to have 100% immediate access to the entire course!

Obviously yes, you have to watch each training video before you can watch the next - however, this ensures you can get through as much as you can right away.

Alright - so what is exactly covered in each stage:
Earlier this summer I ran a beta version, which was simply a very small group of people going through this, week by week so that they could publish.

But unlike other reports, courses or systems, I helped STOP the overwhelm.

Each week was laid out very simply - in short, to the point WALK THRU videos, showing every step of the way.

I admit, I was a little afraid of the outcome, only because part of me felt like I might have been either making it 'too' simple, or that it wouldn't work (even though it worked for me).

But it DID work!

Take a look...
(Renee's comments)

In a moment I'll go through how the whole course works, but first, let's go over what we cover.

The bottom line is, if you don't do an exceptional job of creating your books and printables, AND motivating people to buy your products regularly, you're cheating yourself out of all the profits you could potentially be earning.

If you truly want a passive, thriving lifestyle business, you need to get to work. (And yes, there is a bit of work, but nothing good comes without any right?)

To maximize your success and minimize the time you need to spend learning, this course is broken down into 7 modules.

Each module contains a series of short videos, typically 3 to 12 minutes each to help you understand every single stpe.

Most modules are less than 1 hour in total... in fact, the entire course is about 5 1/4 hours. It's very direct and to the point, no fluff.

As mentioned, this is so you can easily start and stop where you need to.

And what if you just want to plow through it all, do the work at each stage, but keep moving forward to get publishing as quickly as possible? (After all, this IS the best time of year for it, right?)

Well rather than force you to do it on a weekly basis as I had originally done with our Beta group, I've set the system to allow you to have 100% immediate access to the entire course!

Obviously yes, you have to watch each training video before you can watch the next, however, this ensures you can get through as much as you can right away.

​So what is exactly is covered in each module?

Module 1

  • Learn the different types of low content books (in detail, and some not mentioned here)
  • Why it's a perfect business
  • The 7 stages of publishing

    Module Total run time: 39 minutes

Module 2

  • ​The best tools for creation - that fit for any budget
  • The absolute best platforms to sell on (there's more than you think), and the ones to focus on
  • ​How to Brand your projects so your customers know exactly who you are, and what you can offer them

    Module Total run time: ​55 minutes
The tools for creation
Where to prepare to sell on
The ones to focus on

Module 3

  • ​How to design your​ high-engagement books
  • Detailed (but simple step by step) walk thrus on how to use 6 different programs so you can decide what you want to use
  • The easy way to lay out each book

    Module Total run time: ​100 minutes*
    (Hint, you can choose the software you want to walk through
    in part of this, so you don't have to watch "every" video)
How to design your low content books
How to use 6 different programs (detailed walk through on every one so you can decide what you want to use)
How to lay out each book

Module 4

  • ​Publishing your finished publication on Createspeace, step by step
  • Publishing your product as a printable​

    Module Total run time: ​​45 minutes
Publishing your finished publication on Createspeace, step by step
Publishing your product as a printable on Etsy

Module 5

  • ​The correct way to setting up your facebook page
  • How to define your ​customer ​avatar so you can target for best sales
  • Simple but creative Posts - what to post, from where, and when

    Module Total run time:​ 17 minutes
Setting up your facebook page in a strategic way
Customer Avatar
Posts - what to post, from where, and when

Module 6

  • ​Setting up a simple website (full walk through) so that people can find your books even if you're a tech dummy (and in a way that gives YOU the most profits)
  • Easy Walk thru of setting up your facebook page (A bit more than Module 5 talks about)

    Module Total run time: 32 minutes
Setting up a simple website (full walk through) so that people can find your books (Amazon estore).
Walk thru of setting up your facebook page

Module 7

  • ​Creating your Facebook ads & expanded promotion  to maximize your profit potential ​

    Module Total run time: ​14 minutes
Creating your Facebook ads & promotion (in 3 videos)

Look - we all know we have interruptions. No matter how much we can try to block out, stuff happens. And that may mean your time may only be limited to 10-15 minutes a day - NOT an hour or more.

Too many video courses either get too technical, or are far too long. Seriously - who has 30+ hours to try to get through a ​product set up??

That's why I've done my best to keep them in short, bite sized chunks so you can understand what you've watched, take notes, do your homework and IMPLEMENT.... and not feel overwhelmed - AND on your schedule.

Did I mention homework? 🙂

Yes, at the end of each module, you have some homework. This ensures you follow the steps and actually put it in place. The point IS after all, to finish with a product you can sell, right?

Who is this NOT for?

If you have no plans on actually implementing, this is not for you.

This is not for someone who thinks I'm going to do it for you. Nope, not going to happen. ​

I want people who really want to follow through with something, to get it done.

This is for those who are serious about profiting with ​simple high-engagement books, in multiple ways and building a solid, stable passive income stream.

It's easy to get sidetracked. Heck we all have had that happen. I want to help you get past that - to STOP with the shiny object syndrome.

While you might not like me asking this question, I'm going to be blunt:

How many projects / programs have you bought, that you never finished following through with? (Sometimes becasue the training is far too long...)

Or you've never given it the full time to make it work? (Because it's too time consuming or complicated)

Or you skipped steps thinking you already know it all and you can just jump away and skip steps? 

That's exactly why you will continue to fail.

​Really, a lot of this is not your fault.

And I don't want you to fail any longer. I don't want you to be distracted, or feel you can't finish because of lack of confidence.

I believe in you.

​It won't take a huge amount of time, but if you want success, you need to actually do the steps yourself. That's when the magic happens.

​For example, this was Marie's experience:

And that's not all. Look at what Joy said about the entire process:

And you can be another successful publisher!

If You Can Follow Simple Directions, You CAN Publish Simple High-Engagement In-Demand Books And Printables in Just A Few Hours, In Your Spare Time - And Have Fun Doing It!

Now you're probably wondering how you can sign up, and how much does it cost?

You might expect to pay in excess of $300 for Publishing Empires.

Quite honestly I had the plans to release this for $297 to $497. ​

But I have good news for you. I'm making it available - ​for 7 days only - for the extremely reasonable price of just $97.

​And I'm going to sweeten the deal even more.

You get an additional recorded 3 webinar trainings to boost your Facebook fans quickly.

This training was just done recently so it wasn't part of Publishing Empires, however, it is an absolute PERFECT method to get your page popular - faster - so you can sell more books!

​And I'm not going to leave it at that. I'm going to give you 1 full year access to our "Social Fans Bootcamp", which takes the concept to the next level.

​In Mid-December I'm going to hold a special live call (no pitches) where I will show you step-by-step, how to maximize this and profit with it for your books and printables. (Yes, it will be recorded for anyone who cannot attend).

​​And remember, your access will not end! You will continue to have access for one full year, to both the Publishing Empires course and the Social Fans Bootcamp. 

This will allow you to update and enhance what you're already doing, and hopefully, participate in the Facebook group as well. (Yes, you get that access as well in case you need help.)

I urge you to take action today. I know this ​will change lives, and that's what I want to help with.

But this offer is ONLY up for 7 days. After that, I probably
won't be re-opening it until Early Spring 2018.

(If you doubt me, you can ask the beta members in the group: I originally opened it in June of this year, and did NOT re-open it again until now.)

Tell me something: If you could take a fumbling project or idea, and turn it into a successful system that helps you earn even a few hundred dollars every month (or more), wouldn't it be worth just $97 one time?

When you break that down over a year (since you have 1 full year access), that works out to just $1.87 per week.

Wouldn't THAT be worth it??

Of course it would be. That only makes sense.

That's the equivalent of LESS than a cup of coffee at most places these days.

Just think about how this can help you... ​what you learn in the first 3 modules will help you learn how to create almost ANY product you want.... which you can repeatedly do over and over again for as long as you want.

But the really priceless part becomes modules 4-7, where you can literally apply what you learn here, to ANY project, product or offer you might have in future. (Even affiliate sales).

If you don't think it's worth $97, then I don't know what will help you.

​There are NO upsells at this time, so you have no additional costs to worry about. It's just the one time payment.

​I'm sure you can see the long term financial possibilities that lay ahead of you, just by joining and participating, and hopefully sharing your results.

The only "​catch" is that it won't last long, and I don't plan on offering this to anyone until Spring 2018.

At that time the price WILL go up.

​It's only available for just 7 days: This offer ends automatically on Thursday, December 7th at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time zone.


Once it closes, you'll have to wait to get in again.

​When you complete your payment, you will be taken to a thank you page with instructions - simply click the "return to merchant" link. (If something glitches, simply let me know).

Who is this NOT for?

If you have no plans on actually implementing, this is not for you. This is not for someone who thinks I'm going to do it for you. Nope, not going to happen. And because my coaching is involved, there are no refunds (but when you see what you get, you'll realize that you won't need one). I want people who really want to follow through with something, to get it done.

This is for those who are serious about profiting with low content books, in multiple ways and building a solid, stable income stream.

It's easy to get sidetracked. Heck we all have had that happen. I want to help you get past that - to STOP with the shiny object syndrome.

While you might not like me asking this question, I'm going to be blunt:

How many projects / programs have you bought, that you never finished following through with? You've never given it the full time to make it work? Or you skipped steps thinking you already know it all and you can just jump away and skip steps?  That's exactly why you will continue to fail.

And I don't want you to fail any longer. I don't want you to be distracted, or feel you can't finish because of lack of confidence.

YOU CAN DO THIS. I believe in you.

It won't take a huge amount of time, but if you want success, you need to actually do the steps yourself. That's when the magic happens.

For example, this was Marie's experience at the start...

And that's not all.  Look at these testimonials after completion of the Beta group:

And you can be our next successful publisher!

So you're probably wondering how you can sign up, and how much does it cost?

Quite honestly I had the plans to release this for $297 to $497. The amount of information and walk thrus included alone are worth that for each module. (Try to go to a college for a night course to learn Microsoft Word for example: $110 for ONE course!)

But I decided I didn't want to do that to anyone.

And while having the 'live' calls that I was doing is great, it draws the whole process out and makes it take a bit longer, which I realize some don't want.

So here's what I've done.

I want it to be the most "no brainer" and affordable way for you to join. ​

​I'm opening this to you for a limited introductory price of $97. Not monthly, just one time, for a whole year, for instant access to the course.

No, it does not include week-by-week live coaching. It does however, include our big webinar replay we did when we answered questions, and that is recorded and included for you.

You also get additional files that include:

Journal templates
Copyright Wording
Product descriptions

So while it doesn't include the live training - I'm going to include a perk for you as a bonus.

An additional recorded 3 webinar trainings to boost your Facebook fans quickly.

This training was just done recently so it wasn't part of Publishing Empires, however, it is an absolute PERFECT method to get your page popular - faster - so you can sell more books!

Even better, your access WILL NOT END! Even though it's set through over 8 weeks (including the implementation week), you'll not only have the full weekly rainings, you will continue to have access ​for a full year. This will allow you to update and enhance what you're already doing, and hopefully, participate in the Facebook group for new members to share your experience and advice. (It's not mandatory, but it definitely helps put you as an expert and helps you gain more sales as well!)

​But I know this will change lives and that's what I want to help with.

However, obviously I can't do this for free, and I can't do it "too cheap" otherwise you won't see value in it. I was told this is actually "priceless" with what can come out of it, and that's true.

But let's look at it from a budget standpoint:

$97 divided by a 7 module course = $13.86. You're paying less than $14​ per module well as direct access to me in the private Facebook group. (And you DON'T have to wait the full 8 weeks to get through it like the beta members did! - They had a 1 week implementation week in between.)

​When you break that down over the full year (since you have all that access time and access to me as well), that works out to an easy $1.87 per week!

Tell me something: If you could take a fumbling project or idea, and turn it into a successful system that helps you earn even a few hundred dollars every month (or more), would it NOT be worth just $14 a week for 8 weeks to you? Would it not be worth $1.87 a week for 52 weeks?

Of course it would be. That only makes sense.

And the cool thing is, what you learn in the first 3 modules will help you learn how to create almost ANY product you want....

which you can repeatedly do over and over again for as long as you want.

But the really priceless part becomes modules 4-7, where you can literally apply what you learn here, to ANY project, product or offer you might have in future. (Even affiliate sales).

If you don't think it's worth $97, then I don't know what will help you. But I'm sure you can see the long term financial possibilities that lay ahead of you, just by joining and participating, and hopefully sharing your results.

No catch. You're probably thinking I'll leave this up though for days on end. I'm not. I actually have a limited number of people I want to allow in, but I'm not posting that number. The fact is, it's not that big. Why? Because I don't want it to be an overwhelmed scenario, I want to be able to provide personalized help, and I can't do that with hundreds of people right now.

So the only "catch" is that it won't last long, and I don't plan on offering this to anyone after this until ​2018.

At that time, the price WILL go up. ​

​When you complete your payment, you will be taken to a thank you page with instructions - simply click the "return to merchant" link. (If something glitches, simply let me know).

Get started today

​I'm sorry, this offer is now closed. Please ​get on the wait list for when we open it again.

I urge you to take action today. The next move however, is up to you.

I've shown you that Publishing Empires is the course that will help you build your simple high-engagement, in-demand book empires and help you build your thriving passive lifestyle business.

​If you're ready to turn your life around, to stop wasting time and start joining the ranks of successful book publishers, then join now while the offer is still available.

See you on the inside.

Amber Jalink

PS - this is truly a step by step system, the ultimate in simplicity - with at the same time, the most power possible to make this work for you, as quickly as possible. ​ Join me now and let me help you get a jump on the rest of 2017, 2018 and beyond.

So that's it - I hope you'll join me and I look forward to seeing YOUR case studies, your success stories published! (Don't worry, we won't share your exact products unless you want more sales).

See you on the inside.

Amber Jalink

PS - this is truly a step by step system, the ultimate in simplicity - with at the same time, the most power possible to make this work for you, as quickly as possible. Join me now, and let me help you get a jump on the rest of 2017, 2018 and beyond.