​Publishing Empires​ - JV


Help Your Customers & Subscribers Build a Thriving Passive Lifestyle Business Creating In-Demand High Engagement Books and Printables in Just A Few hours​​

Publishing empires is an 8 week course that takes entrepreneurs through the entire process of picking a niche, to knowing what to create, learning SIMPLE software strategies (if you can type an email, you can do this!), to getting the cover designed, uploaded and your ​high-engagement in-demand book for sale.

​LAUNCH DATE:  Thursday November 30th, at 11 a.m. (Eastern time zone).​

Build a Thriving Passive Lifestyle Business Creating In-Demand High Engagement Books and Printables in Just A Few hours​

​This system was previously in beta and has had awesome results. You can see the previous sales page and new testimonials here:

PLEASE NOTE - There is a change in the system for the moment.

​​​The new sales page is here: ​http://www.publishingempires.com/launch/


The course is $97. Commission rate is 50%.  There are no upsells due to the fact that this is a ​weekly series.

If you have less than 50 sales, you *may* be put on delayed unless I know you.


If you have any questions, you may contact me at ​our general helpdesk: http://helpdesk.createcoolapps.com/support/tickets/new

(Simply select in the membership level of access: JV​ and put the subject as Publishing Empires).



Subject: How to have a breakout success strategy for 2018

It's not difficult to know that selling
on Amazon is an incredible opportunity.

People are having great success creating
books for sale and publishing them.

The problem is, too many haven't had the
ability to follow in their footsteps.


Sometimes it's because the niche gets
too saturated too fast (with junk hiding
some of the gems).

More often it's because while there's
lots of information out there on how to
publish on CreateSpace, and it's not

While publishing ​high-engagement in-demand
books (journals, coloring books, kids books, coffee table
books, planners etc) is not a difficult task
in itself, the truth is, too many people are either:

-  Over thinking their ideas
-  have ideas but get stopped at implementation
-  get to the point of publishing but get zero sales
-  and are totally confused at how to really make it work.

It's easy to slap something up, "fling it to the
wall" so to speak, and hope it sticks and gets sales.

But that's not really the best way to proceed.

Instead - it's time to Unleash Your Creativity
with ​high-engagement in-demand Books...

WITHOUT the panic... without the fear of it not
being what people want... without the tech
confusion and most importantly...

without the overwhelm.

It's so powerful, beta members have easily
published as many as 7 journals, plus printables
and started having sales, right within an 8 week
time frame.

... because it was simple.

Check out all the details here:

Publishing Empires (Affiliate url)

There's only one catch: ​it's only open for just 7 days. After that, it won't re-open until Spring 2018 (at the earliest).

Get your access now, and start creating your own
low content empire in a very short time.

​(Affiliate url)



​Subject: Build a ​thriving ​passive ​lifestyle business

​Build a Thriving Passive Lifestyle Business
Creating In-Demand High Engagement Books and Printables
in Just A Few hours​

​Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have
a knack for publishing simple yet high-engagement
books on Createspace, or having ​printable products ​
on Etsy and other platforms that sell like crazy?

​Some of them have even created reports on how you can
do the same, but unfortunately, most of the time they
leave the important stuff out.

Let's face it: you likely know about the popularity
of ​"high engagement" books and products on Amazon,
Etsy, and elsewhere. ​ If you've seen any products
lately, several marketers have talked about creating these
products for a while.

Let's be real here: so many of the guides and reports
you find online give you a brief overview of what to do,
but NO ONE goes into depth about it!

It's implied you can slap up anything and get sales...
(That of course, is if you can figure your way into creating
the product in the first place). And that's just not true.

If ​You Want to Publish Simple High-Engagement,
In-Demand Books and Printables That Customers Want to Buy,
That Only Take A Few Hours (at most) To Create​,
And you've All But Given Up... Here's hope!

Amber created a powerful course called Publishing Empires.

Publishing Empires ​​is a Simple, Easy To Follow ​Step-By-Step
Course to Help You Go From Start To Finish, AND Get Publicity
To Help You Launch Your Books Faster

And it works. Check out the testimonials from the beta

class, and get your access now.

​(Affiliate url)

The catch: It's only available for 7 days, and then it's
closed until Spring 2018 (earliest).

The bottom line is, if you don't do an exceptional
job of creating your books and printables, AND motivating
people to buy your products regularly, you're cheating
yourself out of all the profits you could potentially
be earning.

If You Can Follow Simple Directions, You CAN Publish
Simple High-Engagement In-Demand Books And Printables
in Just A Few Hours, In Your Spare Time - And Have
Fun Doing It!

Check it out now:
​(Affiliate url)


Build a Thriving Passive Lifestyle Business
Creating In-Demand High Engagement Books and Printables
in Just A Few hours​
Subject: How to have a breakout success strategy for 2018

It's not difficult to know that selling
on Amazon is an incredible opportunity.

People are having great success creating
books for sale and publishing them.

The problem is, too many haven't had the
ability to follow in their footsteps.


Sometimes it's because the niche gets
too saturated too fast (with junk hiding
some of the gems).

More often it's because while there's
lots of information out there on how to
publish on CreateSpace, and it's not

While publishing low content books (journals,
coloring books, kids books, coffee table
books, planners etc) is not a difficult task
in itself, the truth is, too many people are either:

-  Over thinking their ideas
-  have ideas but get stopped at implementation
-  get to the point of publishing but get zero sales
-  and are totally confused at how to really make it work.

It's easy to slap something up, "fling it to the
wall" so to speak, and hope it sticks and gets sales.

But that's not really the best way to proceed.

Instead - it's time to Unleash Your Creativity
with Low Content Books...

WITHOUT the panic... without the fear of it not
being what people want... without the tech
confusion and most importantly...

without the overwhelm.

It's so powerful, beta members have easily
published as many as 7 journals, plus printables
and started having sales, right within an 8 week
time frame.

... because it was simple.

Check out all the details here:

Publishing Empires (Affiliate url)

There's only one catch: because this is a very hands on
and interactive course, it's only open for just 7 days.

Get your access now, and start creating your own
low content empire in a very short time.


